Ho'olaulima Government Services

Ho‘olaulima Government Solutions, LLC (HGS)

Address: 14100 San Pedro Ave., Ste 412-A, San Antonio, TX 78232


CAGE Code: 778J3

Primary NAICS Code: 562910

Secondary NAICS Code: 561320

HGS delivers value-added solutions to our customers while caring for our community and our environment by “Working Together,” or “Ho‘olaulima.” HGS was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Kīnā'ole Family of Companies (KFOC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO). HGS is an NHO, Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) and became a certified participant in the Small Business Administration (SBA) Native 8(a) business development program in 2017.

HGS is a leading small business provider of Professional and Technical Services to include: Cyber/Information Technology, Professional Services, Healthcare, Environmental, Construction, Facilities O&M, Fuel, and Supply Chain & Logistics services to Federal agencies and the Department of Defense. Having grown to over 300 employees, HGS supports clients worldwide at locations including: Alabama, Alaska, California, the District of Columbia, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, DC.

Our Services


562910 - Remediation Services

236220 - Commercial And Institutional Building Construction

237120 - Oil And Gas Pipeline And Related Structures Construction

237310 - Highway, Street, And Bridge Construction

238210 - Electrical Contractors And Other Wiring Installation Contractors

238220 - Plumbing, Heating, And Air-Conditioning Contractors

238910 - Site Preparation Contractors

334519 - Other Measuring And Controlling Device Manufacturing

517410 - Satellite Telecommunications

517810 - All Other Telecommunications

518210 - Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, And Related Services

541219 - Other Accounting Services

541330 - Engineering Services

541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services

541512 - Computer Systems Design Services

541513 - Computer Facilities Management Services

541519 - Other Computer Related Services

541611 - Administrative Management And General Management Consulting Services

541614 – Process,  Physical Distribution, And Logistics Consulting Services

541618 - Other Management Consulting Services

541620 - Environmental Consulting Services

541690 - Other Scientific And Technical Consulting Services

541713 - Research And Development In Nanotechnology

541714 - Research And Development In Biotechnology (Except Nanobiotechnology)

541715 - Research And Development In The Physical, Engineering, And Life Sciences (Except Nanotechnology And Biotechnology)

GWACs & IDIQs Held By Entity


Company Name: Hoʻolaulima Government Solutions (HGS)

Contract #: 47QTCB21D0012


POC Name: Larry Jaramillo

POC Email: ljaramillo@kinaole.com

POC Phone: 210-316-4875

Company Name: Hoʻolaulima Government Solutions, LLC (HGS)

Contract #: N0017819D777

POC Name: Larry Jaramillo

POC Email: ljaramillo@kinaole.com

POC Phone: 210-316-4875


Company Name: Hoʻolaulima Government Solutions, LLC (HGS)

Contract #: 47QTCA21D0067

POC Name: Larry Jaramillo

POC Email: ljaramillo@kinaole.com

POC Phone: 210-316-4875


Our Projects


HGS provides USAF PACAF with cyber and IT expertise and innovative approach to managing and securing the USAF’s virtual network and cloud infrastructure across over 100 million square miles of theater.

Our cyber and IT services include:

  • Network engineering
  • Network operations and maintenance
  • Cyber security operations including RMF, Computer Network Defense, vulnerability and configuration management
  • IT helpdesk
  • Systems training

HGS effectively operates the systems and network as PACAF enhances their warfighting advantage, advances theater posture, strengthen alliances and partnerships, and shapes the information environment.

Federal Healthcare

HGS provides healthcare personnel to the US Army at William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC) and its outlying clinics. Our healthcare professionals supporting WBAMC include:

  • Intensive Care Unit Registered Nurses (RN)
  • Emergency Room Registered Nurses (RN)
  • Operating Room Registered Nurses (RN)
  • OB/Labor & Delivery Registered Nurses (RN)
  • Medical/Surgical Registered Nurses (RN)
  • Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN)
  • Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA)
  • Registered Nephrology Nurses (RN)
  • Operating Room Technicians.

Our expert healthcare personnel provide WBAMC services following established principles, practices, and ethics of the nursing profession to include:

  • Comprehensive nursing care
  • Admission, transfer, and discharge of patients
  • Development and coordination of nursing care plans
  • Support of physician rounds, assessment of patient conditions, and diagnosis’
  • Maintenance of  patient records
  • Patient education support

Fueling Systems and Services

We supported the Defense Fuel Support Point (DFSP) - Guam, a bulk fuel storage facility that receives, stores, and issues fuel to the Military. In support of DFSP- Guam, our expert services include:

  • Weld repairs and artifact removal for 8 cut and cover underground bulk fuel storage tanks and 1 aboveground storage tank.
  • Horizontal and vertical stiffeners
  • Ladder and cage modifications for deep valve vaults
  • New scully panel installations
  • Removal and replacement of tank vents
  • Electrical upgrades to include alarms and conduit replacement
  • Removal and replacement of receipt and issue pipelines and associated valves.
  • Interior and exterior coating systems
  • Repair of cathodic protection conduit system
  • American Petroleum Institute (API) inspection support and return to service activities

We are accredited by the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) as a QP1 (Field Coating Applications), QP2 (Field Removal of Hazardous Coatings) and QS1 (Advance Quality Management Contractor

We are accredited by the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) as a QP1 (Field Coating Applications), QP2 (Field Removal of Hazardous Coatings) and QS1 (Advance Quality Management Contractor)

Supply Chain Logistics

HGS supports the US Army Geospatial Center (AGC) in its mission to coordinate, integrate and synchronize geospatial information requirements and standards across the Army; develop and field geospatial-enterprise enabled systems and capabilities to the Army and the Department of Defense (DoD), and to provide direct geospatial support and products to warfighters.

HGS supply chain and logistics experts provide AGC with equipment, tools, materials,  knowledge, facilities, supervision, and other items and services necessary to perform, procure, inventory, integrate, checkout, package, store, and prepare for shipping of Instrument Set, Reconnaissance & Surveying (ISRS) systems, ISRS Technical Refresh Kits and equipment.

Construction Services

P-052 National Guard Readiness Center, Barrigada, Guam: This design-build new construction project consists of a 36,139 SF National Guard Readiness Center for the 1224th Engineer Support Company (ESC) and the 1-244 Aviation Regiment (AVN) in Barrigada, Guam. The complex supports training, administrative, and logistical requirements of the Guam Army National Guard (GUARNG). The main facility includes classrooms and a learning center, locker room space, and administrative office space with both open and private offices, and briefing room in addition to other support spaces. Unit storage space consists of arms vaults, and cages for general and medical supply storage. The project also includes a General Purpose Training Bay consisting of support office space, mechanical room, and restrooms. Additional project elements include the design and construction of a photovoltaic system, unheated storage building, wash platform, and performing all associated MEC/UXO/MMPEH work.

Operations & Maintenance

HOMS/COMS, Andersen AFB (AAFB), Naval Base Guam (NBG), & MCB Camp Blaz (MCBCB):

This contract includes housing and operations and maintenance services (HOMS), and change of occupancy maintenance services (COMS) for over 1,800 family and unaccompanied family housing units and facilities on AAFB, NBG, and MCBCB. Services are performed on a recurring and non-recurring basis and includes operations, repair services, maintenance, and change of occupancy maintenance in both vacant and occupied units, as well as facility management, facility investment (to include new construction), custodial, pest control, mechanical/chiller work, facility assessments, asset inventory and management, warehousing, and MAXIMO


CMIS for 8 Solid Waste Management Unit Sites, Hawthorne Army Depot, Hawthorne, NV:

HGS provided environmental remediation services and Corrective Measures Implementation for eight (8) Solid Waste Management Unit sites at Hawthorne Army Depot which involves Compliance Restoration and Installation Restoration Program sites. Services provided include operation, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) of Corrective Actions for contaminated groundwater; developing corrective measure implementation plans; abandon wells and site restoration; and long-term maintenance.

Five Year Reviews (FYR) & Periodic Reviews (PR) and Cleanup Program Support Serves (multiple installations):

For this task Order HGS provided Environmental Remediation services. Contract requirements include CERCLA, SARA, and DERP Manual, necessary for the USAEC to complete FYRs/PR for the Army Environmental Cleanup Program and to support USACE in meeting the Army’s statutory and programmatic requirements. Additional Task Order requirements include: historical document/data review, public notices, site inspections, interviews, ARAR/RAO analysis, risk assessment, technical subject analysis, Five-Year/Periodic Review reports; in addition to LUC assessment and LUCIPs.

Disaster Recovery & Emergency Response

This contract includes Disaster Recovery services following Typhoon Mawar for over 1,800 family and unaccompanied housing units and facilities on AAFB, NBG, and MCBCB in Guam. Typhoon Mawar created damages to existing infrastructure and equipment. Disaster Recovery Services performed included renovation, repair, demolition, restoration of roofs, window repair/replacement and repair recreational infrastructure.  We leverage our experience, fleet of equipment, and local Guam labor force to rapidly assess, mitigate, and perform repair work following hurricanes/typhoons, tornadoes, fires, flooding, earthquakes or other natural disasters.











