Kīnā'ole offers a broad range of cost effective end-to-end operation, and technical services that are dedicated to helping clients solve the complex challenges created by today's global business environment. We leverage our expertise, experience, and cutting edge technologies to deliver innovative, cost-saving solutions that meet and exceed our client's expectations. This results in long-term solutions that allow our clients to focus on their core business areas.

Kīnā'ole provides end-to-end professional, and technical services solutions in numerous areas that include:
- Bases, Ranges, & Airfields
- Critical Infrastructure Protection/Key
- Operation Centers, Watch Standers
- Interagency, State & Local Coordination
- Critical Infrastructure Protection/Key Resources, Continuity of Operations
- Analysts, Executive Briefing Teams, & Interagency Coordination -
- Education & Training Analysis
- Exercise Planning & Execution
- Personnel, Equipment Training & Mobilization
- Tabletop, Simulations, & Field Exercises
Kīnā'ole Professional and Technical Services
At Kīnā'ole, we prioritize communication, collaboration, and transparency, working closely with our clients to develop customized solutions that meet their unique needs while also promoting efficiency, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness. We offer a wide range of professional and technical services, including exercise planning and execution, education and training analysis, continuity of operations, critical infrastructure protection, and interagency coordination, among others.
As a native Hawaiian 8(a) small business that has provided highly specialized consultancy support services to all major federal agencies and the DoD for the last 10 years, Kīnā'ole offers our clients a cost-effective alternative to meeting their emerging complex and challenging problems. With operations that span the Pacific Rim and across to the Atlantic, we have the resources and expertise needed to meet our clients' global needs.

CLIENT: U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)
Statement of work: Kīnā'ole's Ho‘olaulima Government Solutions, LLC, (Kīnā'ole) and NHV are developing and executing an active shooter response training and assessment program for the U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Subject Matter Experts provide training that validates activity level Active Shooter Response Plans as well as local law enforcement and tenant facility Memorandums of Agreement and Understanding (MOA/MOUs)
Table-top exercises (TTX) are used to identify vulnerabilities, gaps and seams in policy, doctrine, organization and training as well as best practices and recommendations to improve response capabilities. TTXs will be conducted at eleven (11) medical treatment facilities (MTF).
Anti-Terrorism Force Protection (AT/FP) Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) provide support to develop TTX’s, create scenarios, host/facilitate planning meetings, coordinate with staffs, support activities, and other key stakeholders, conduct/facilitate the complete exercises, providing after-action-reports (AAR), recommendations for improvements and training for each of the facilities exercised

Kīnā'ole was contracted to assist in the development and execution of the CITADEL PROTECT exercises to assess the integration of Installation and Navy Afloat Assets berthed in Navy-Controlled CONUS and OCONUS Ports.
The primary focus is on the effectiveness of AT C2 between the Installation and the berthed Ships, alignment and synchronization of Installation and Afloat Pre-Planned Responses, and current capability to detect, respond, neutralize and recover from a small boat and/or vehicle born Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN), an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attack (ATK) and/or an Active Shooter attack. As in a real-world scenario, all events involving explosives will be treated as a CBRN incident until threat can be eliminated. CITADEL PROTECT exercises are designed to create a training environment that approximates a realistic operational environment by providing a trained aggressor force and incorporating blank fire and realistic effects to portray the sights and sounds of a real-world IED, or active shooter attack. Each event is assessed to exacting standards
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Client: NAVSUP FLC Pearl Harbor / POP: 9/23/2019 - Present
Scope: This contract provides program management support for creating and maintaining plans for CTF-75 and subordinate units for Exercise, Operational, and Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) Planning; Managing organizational inventories of CTF-75 assigned Table of Allowance (TOA); Recording and administering unit level training events associated with periodic and location specific training requirements for readiness and training activities; and supporting travel and administration management activities. Work is primarily located in Guam, but also requires work throughout Inda-Asia-Pacific (Hawaii, Japan, and Micronesia).

Client: Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)/ Chenega Healthcare Services / POP: 3/29/2021 - Present
Scope: Our team is performing as a subcontractor on this requirement to Chenega Health Services to recruit, screen, and hire youth care workers at Ft. Bliss for this emergency shelter services contract. Labor categories include Childcare/Youth Care Workers, Child Welfare coordinators, Case Aides, Case Managers, Mental Health Clinicians, Education Instructors, and Recreation Leads/Specialists. Given the emergency response nature of this contract, critical need, and high volume of positions to fill, our team worked under challenging timelines to successfully fill well over a hundred positions to date.

Client: DISA / DITCO Pacific / POP: 9/2017 - 9/2019
Scope: This contract included providing Information Technology (IT) support services to DISA in support of the relocation of 5,000 US Marines from Okinawa, Japan and other locations around the globe to Guam. We provided onsite Information Assurance, Telecommunication Planning, IT Specialist and Cable Splicing/Outside Plant Maintenance support to facilitate the US Marine Corps (USMC) base-build-out at Naval Computer Telecommunications Station (NCTS), Guam in support of this major force re-alignment.

Client: US Army Geospatial Center / POP: 9/27/2021 - Present
Scope: This contract is to procure, inventory, integrate, checkout, package, store, and prepare for shipment of the necessary hardware components to produce Instrument Set, Reconnaissance & Surveying (ISRS) Systems and ISRS Technical Refresh Kits, and maintain configuation management for the Product Director Combat Terrain Information Systemds (PD-CTIS) in support of the Army Combat Engineering and Surveying Community. As part of this process, we are required to ensure all procured components are fit for their intended purpose, that they operate to manufacturers specifications, and meet their intended purpose prior to packaging and distribution.

Client: NAVFAC Marianas / POP: 3/18/2020 - Present
Scope: We are supporting NAVFAC in managing and executing the Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVSOH) program to ensure all program elements meet federal regulatory guidance, Navy policies, and other ALSAFE messages to identify programmatic issues and provide best practices, lessons learned, and mitigation to correct findings and abate unsafe/unhealthful work conditions. Our team provides training Risk Management Information/Streamlined Incident Reporting (RMI/SIR) training and technical assistance and maintenance for the web-based application. We also assist the Installation Safety Manager and tenant commands with policy implementation, documentation updates and maintenance, and reviews, impelmentation, and maintenance of Safety Policy/Instructions IAW OPNAVINST 5100 Series.

Contract with Kīnā'ole.
As Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO), SBA-certified 8(a) small businesses, the Kīnā'ole Family of Companies offers the ability to provide rapid, cost-effective contracting solutions through direct awards. NHO 8(a) Sole Source Award guidance in 13CFR124.506(b)(2) and 13CFR124.517(a) allows Kīnā'ole companies the unique ability to receive direct awards up to $100M that cannot be protested because of our NHO 8(a) status. Using this method provides our customers the ability to procure services rapidly, at fair negotiated prices, and with fewer uncertainties compared to the competitive bidding process across all requirements while also supporting the broader goal of promoting economic development and social impact in the communities it serves.
Standard of Excellence
Our people are the best in the industry because of their motivation to produce outstanding results for clients and give back to native Hawaiian communities.
Full Suite of Services
Our Family of Companies uphold our standard of excellence while delivering the range of capabilities needed to help our clients meet mission requirements.
Rapid Procurement
As Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO) and certified 8(a) small businesses, the Kīnā'ole Family of Companies offers the ability to provide rapid, cost-effective contracting solutions.